Saturday, September 19, 2015

About Lance #2: Random stuff and Why I started the blog :)

Yo! Remember when I use to start my posts with that?¿ No. Okay :/. 

If you don't remember last September (ABOUT A YEAR AGO) I started this series where I just talk about myself and you get to know me more. I called it "About Lance". I want to make this a full blown thing where I just tell stories that have happened to me or just talk about my life and talk in the comments!! Today thanks to Rem Rem (REMY!) who gave me the idea to bring this series back, I will be giving her a shoutout! Go check out her brand new blog (it's weird saying her) and comment it up! Alright, to the random talking and why I a few little reasons why I'm blogging right now!

First I'm gonna get to the 3 MAJOR reasons why I started this blog! (CAUTION: It's very possible I get off topic, it's my disease). Ok so back in the VERY end of 5th grade I decided to start this blog! It was a kinda out of nowhere decision considering the fact I was going to go to GameStop with my family that day.... But I felt sick. Now I was bored as fluff, for real and I didn't know what the fluff to do (JUST SAY THE WORD LANCE!). I decided to sign into google+ and make the worst blogger introduction and 1st post ever :). That's what I did. Looking back at that post I notice, I literally copied Adrian. #SorryAdrian #NEVERFORGET. So to sum this up I started, a now, very popular blog for there reasons:

• I was bored as fluff (SAY THE WORD ALREADY)

• I had no friends back then (U still don't!)


• Adrian (AWWWW SO SWEET..... NOT!!!!!)

Now to the random as fluff talk (SAY THE WORD, OMG!). I get the next week off from school because in most of Georgia this week is known as fall break!!! IM SO FLUFFIN TURNT (SAY THE WORD YOU FROG LANCE!). I got a haircut today, if your one of the blogging family members that stalks my Instagram you probably know by now everything about my life.... (LANCE! GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA NOW!). Alright last thing, I am extremely bored of Hits 1! I'm going to link a FLUFFIN poll below (SAY THE WORD!) and it'll have two options yes or no. Yes for keep Hits 1 and NO 
for Do something else. The choice would be either mine or yours, I'll decide that ;). 

Also, There's a goal you much reach for me to keep Hits 1. You much reach 35 votes on the yes category to keep Hits 1. If not we will switch to another countdown or maybe something new all together. It'll be a voting war, a FLUFFIN war (SAY THE WORD ALREADY!! IM GETTING MAD NOW!!!!). You guys know how I end these posts, I love u so much and you know... I'm really so sick of that same old fluffin love... It really tears me up (SAY THE WORD.). Haha guys, see ya and I hope you have a fun filled Saturday with lots of Fluffin fun (SAY IT BOY!!!!!!!!!!). It's my moms birthday so let the candles be lit and let's sing happy birthday! Peace ✌️👌

- God 1st, God Bless




  1. Omg that was sooooooo funny! Thanks for the shoutout! <3 you!

    1. Haha, "ready and right," I love it!

    2. Thank you so very much! Your blog is goals as fluff (SAY IT LANCE!!!).
