Monday, January 18, 2016

My Deepest, Darkest Secrets Pt. 2

Disclaimer: I Am Not A Pro Blogger.

Hello! How's life everyone? Good. that's great!(SIKE). So today... I have another Deepest Darkest Secrets, the 2nd episode of this installment! Last time it was October 2015, now it's January 2016! looking back at that post I noticed I was throwing a dang pity party and literally asking for sympathy (no sympathy for you!). I'm gonna just hop right on into this post because I really doubt anybody wants to listen to me ramble anymore (CORRECT!). Enjoy :)

1) A fear of public speaking

~ Like I mean this one is very common. lots of people don't like to get up in front on class and do a presentation... but, mix it with anxiety and you get a disaster (just like your life). I mean I'm going straight up say, public speaking is not for Lancy :)

2) people that read texts (making no sense).

~ the sad thing is, I do this myself. anyways, I hate people that read my messages and don't respond like boiiiii! I thought I was better than your girlfriend that your probably gonna break up with in 5 days like for real:). But again, when I read peoples messages, it's perfectly fine. I'm Lance after all :))))

3) Your Face

~ Your face (this post is getting bummy).

4) People who get all serious

~ why you gotta be so serious (throwback much)? I mean like there's no reason to get all serious over everything like your mom telling u give the Tv to your brother (you aren't funny). Again, I also do this but whatever. I'm Lance :)

5) Fear of School (this is a joke, skip if needed).

~ I mean who doesn't get scared of school. It's like prison, but worse! There's these people that tell you what Lance + Bum is and it = Scrub! I hate it. Like if Pe and Lunch was every subject then we good but no! READING, MATH, SCIENCE, LANGUAGE ARTS (English in most states), and SOCIAL STUDIES RUIN IT! (I'm gonna get to the outro because that attempt to be funny sucked).

Hey guys, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed remember to leave a comment! I noticed I have some new questions in the #AskLance form and i will be doing a new AskLance soon (Q&A) so ask me questions in the form linked in the sidebar titled "#AskLance". ily guys so much and as always...

- God 1st, God Bless :)

- Lance :) (PEACE OUTTTTT✌️)

1 comment:

  1. Ask Siri for here deepest darkest secrets. It will take you to your brightness and turn it to *yawn*
