Aye! welcome back to the blog fam! Just so you know, it's almost the end of 2015! I'm having a thankful moment with this blog so I decided to do this post :) if I get all over the place with this just remember, that's what you (yes you!) came to this blog for, scrub Lance :). Enjoy the last post of 2015 Fam, you deserve it!!
So.... this is kind of amazing! It's almost the end of 2015 guys! That's crazy! When I started this blog in May 2014 I did not think it was possible I was still doing this in 2016! It actually just hit me in about September of last year how much people (YOU!) enjoyed this blog!! This is an unprofessional, humor filled, just very random blog at times! I legit don't even know what I'm gonna say in my posts right before I do them! heck, I don't have an idea what I'm gonna say for the outros in every post, which I'm guessing you've seen my weird outros :).
My point is, this blog is what comes to my mind. If something to post comes to my mind in a moment then it's going in my notes on my IPhone (I use my iPhone to help me out with getting things for this blog) and I'm making the post later! I actually am stunned people read this blog! Oh and so you know, I'm not trying to get people to say "this blog is so great Lance, two years strong", in the comments section but I'm proud of myself for this blog :). I started this blog and it was so boring, not organized, and actually terrible (I've read my old posts believe me). But yet, for some reason people always came back to read my posts! soon enough, I hit 10,000 Pageviews and I thought, "This is Great. 10,000 times someone has came and clicked on this blog, I'm proud". The number kept on growing... and growing... and growing.... soon enough end of 2014 we hit 35,000 Pageviews! 2015 started off amazing and we were gaining about 5,000 Pageviews a month. Late in July we hit our big peak, Lance (me) on vacation in Florida and I make this post. I think a 60,000 pageview special (might be wrong) and this post gets 586 Pageviews our most ever... Well for then. This post hit around 70 comments I think. Just after that post, I do a T45 Mania! a normal T45 Mania, ya know? This T45 Mania hits 603 Pageviews making that a new high and I think 60 comments!
Around September though, the views and comments dropped like crazy :/. I legit did not know what I was doing wrong, were my posts not good? Not funny? Not Scrub? I figured out that answer, they weren't Lance. I was trying to hard... making "album reviews" which I know I'm not good at.. so I bring in the Scrub Chronicles which consists of different all humor bases posts i do and they are all different! views really didn't change much, but the comments went down. The blog wasn't growing like I would've liked it to.. it was slowly and slowly dying... I kept blogging hoping for someone to start a commenting war or anything really. I love comments! They make me happy:)
Good news to end this guys! At about last week actually, I don't know but something with the Pageviews happened. We went from getting an all time low everything to get about 120 views on a post. May not seem like much, but compared to what I'd been getting, it was like winning the lottery. Lots of money :). Our last post actually, the awards post got 134 views along with about 20 comments! I was really happy that we were ending the year good! That's where we are now in this blog journey Fam!
You Guys turned from Readers. To internet acquaintances. To internet friends. To Close internet friends. And then. To pure Family! I'm so so so happy that a blog I made one day for no reason has turned from a blog, to people I trust so well I could probably talk to them for hours if possible! (READ BELOW!)
My final point of this post, and 2015 for that matter, is that from May 24th, 2014- December 25th, 2015. 80,800 people have came to this blog. I'm so thankful for all of you guys! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and if you don't celebrate then happy holidays! I really do love you guys, and I really hope to maybe meet some of you in the near future! You guys are #1 in my heart along with lots of other things, I hope you have a blessed rest of 2015, and I'll see you guys here in 2016! But for now, as I used to say, As Always.... God 1st, God Bless :)
- #G1GB
- Lance :) (Let's go big in 2016 Fam!)