Sunday, November 8, 2015

Scrubolicious Sunday| Episode 1• Update

I haven't sat down and done an update in a long time. Let's just say that (okay scrub). Hello (Adele references are trash scrub) La Familia and welcome back to the very seemly trash blog you are reading (CHECK). I'm changing a lot with the schedule of this blog and just about everything this blog has come to be through the 77,506 Pageviews I have. I'm no longer doing Hits 1 on a weekly, or possibly Monthly bases (LESS SCRUB, MORE HAPPY). This is going to be the 1st episode (THIS AINT YOUTUBE SCRUB) of Scrubolicious Sunday!! 

This new weekly (don't promise us scrub) series will basically be a weekly thing I do just making scrub jokes and mixing it up. Like one week a Scrub Does Music Video Reviews Post and maybe a Scrub does Song Review posts. Get it (no one gets you scrub). It'll be a chill weekly thing as much as possible!

View the sidebars now (I'd rather not scrub)! You need to see them! I have a Thanksgiving special coming up and a bunch of other stuff there with the upcoming BIG posts! I really hope you view them, it'll help you out (actually it'll probably hurt me). Next update.

I believe I have only been posting once a week! That's mt fault all the way. I've been working on a new schedule but quitting Hits 1 mostly wasn't really in there at 1st. I'm trying, trust me (no one trusts you scruby). Here is the new schedule courtesy of scrub!

New Blogging Schedule (could change):

Monday: NONE.
Tuesday: T45 Mania
Wednesday: T45 Mania (if delayed due to scrub)
Thursday: The Scrub Chronicles (YES!) (NO SCRUB!)
Friday: Nothing
Saturday: Whatever I feel (OK SCRUB!)
Sunday: Scrubolicious Sunday (OOHH MORE TRASH!!!)

• Guys I have a goal: I want this blog to reach 100,000 Pageviews by Janurary 30th. That's our goal. If this happens earlier than great! But that's the goal. I trust you guys!

Also, I have a little message to a fellow blogger who left us this week to get their priorities straight: This goes to you Thatchos.

Since the 1st day this blog started you've been there. I remember the weekend countdown prediction when you said it was bold for me to have Love Runs Out hitting #1 and it did! I was happy. You kept commenting and very slowly became a huge part of this Squad, this group of people that I'm dying to meet in person. You started fun games in the comments if this blog such as your "Change a word, ruin a song" game. That was so funny! You were just a vital part of this blog and of this "Squad" that we are. The in March you began your own blog. "The Continental Chart", I enjoyed reading that chart so much every week. The shoutouts made those posts even more fun, you were just a world class entertainer! After I saw your post that you made about not being here right now I found myself thinking how tough that must have been. When I end this blog I don't have any idea how I will do it. It was tough for me to think of blog life without "The Great Thatchos". I'm not going to remove your blog from the other blogs section because you very well could be back here in the future. When that day comes and your back here being good old Thatchos then your blog will be sitting right there for everyone to click on and see the great chart you made! It's hard to see you leave Thatchos, but you'll always be here :) #TillThatchosReturns

One of our other awesome commenters and bloggers Remy has asked for a shoutout and I happly grant her wish! Here's your shoutout Remy! Everyone go view her blog it's linked in the other blogs section Enjoy!

Alright Fam (NO) thanks for reading (all lies) I really appreciate the support (Why you always lyin?!). I love you guys so much and remember, don't always look down the right side of the rode because very well the Right way could be the left side of the road (making no sense is chill...). PEACE✌️

- God 1st, God Bless

~ Scrub Lance (LOVE YA FAM!)


  1. If you want more pageviews, just refresh/reload the page and each time you do you get 1 pageview.

  2. If you don't wanna track your own page views just go to page views on blogger and there's something that says track my own page views click on that and you'll figure out what to do.

  3. Replies
    1. WOAH WOAH WAIT YOU NEVER SAID (in my shoutout) THAT I ORIGINALLY CAME UP WITH THE IDEA FOR SCRUBALICIOUS SUNDAY!!!!!! But that's just you being your good old scrubby self again, I guess :)
